Infinity Squared
2023 Summer Camp
From July 24th to 28th, Infinity Squared is hosting a virtual mathematics summer camp each day from 1-3pm EST.

Infinity Squared 2023 Summer Camp
Thanks for a Math-gical Summer!

How do I know if my child is right for this program?
We accept any student interested in learning who will be incoming 5th to 8th graders. In addition, as long as they are comfortable with basic, pre-algebraic level math who has or wants a further passion for mathematics, the Infinity Squared program will be happy to have them!
What does the registration fee cover?
All funds go towards the Riley Children's Hospital Foundation.
What topics will be covered during this summer program?
The topics covered will include number theory, algebra, geometry, counting and probability, as well as advanced techniques in topics such as logic, sequences and series, and additional special techniques and methods.
What resources will be provided in this course?
Throughout our camp, we will have plenty of daily lecture notes and math problems. In addition, we also will have a few mock tests and other resources for students to use!
What if I have any questions during or after the class?
You will be able to ask the instructors any questions you may have during the class. After the class, you can also contact the instructors via email or the Discord Server.
What if I am unable to attend a class?
All classes throughout our summer camp will be recorded and if you have any further questions or comments, feel free to reach out to our instructors for further assistance!
What happens once I have completed the course?
All students will not only receive a certificate of achievement for completing this course, but also many free resources and (hopefully) infinite passion for mathematics!
What if after the summer camp I need additional math help?
We instructors are happy to provide 1-on-1 sessions for any math help whether it is schoolwork or other questions/comments regarding mathematics, we will be happy to help!
What should I do to prepare for the first day of the summer camp?
If you haven't already, please make sure you have access to Zoom! Most importantly, get your pencil and paper ready for a fun week of learning, infinitely squared!
The Syllabus
A Short Preview of Our Syllabus
Number Theory Fundamentals
During this class, we will be learning about basic geometric and arithmetic (division/multiplication and subtraction/addition) rules. Students will be able to identify patterns within sample problems and cover fundamental studies of positive integers.

All about Algebra
Students will be introduced to fundamentals of algebra; reviewing basic statistics and learning comparative mathematics. Factorization and problem solving will be taught along with these concepts.
Geometry Basics and Concepts
This class will cover basics of shape, which includes study of the area, perimeter, and identification of certain elements in circles, triangles, and different polygons.

Counting & Probability
In this unit, we will be utilizing counting to calculate the probability, or likeliness, of a certain event or outcome. Students will focus on problem solving through word problems.
More Advanced Problem Solving Techniques
In this class, students will grasp a deeper understanding of number theory. For this final class, a mock exam will be prepared for a summarization of the curriculum and the completion certificate will be handed to each student for completing the course.