About Us
Scroll down for more information regarding the Infinity Squared Founders & Instructors.
Jennifer Hu
Infinity Squared Founder & President
11th Grader from Indiana
MATHCOUNTS Nationals 2-Time Qualifier
Top 36 at MATHCOUNTS Nationals (Indiana High Scorer)
Math Prize for Girls Olympiad Qualifier
3-Time AIME Qualifier
3-Time 1st Place at the Rose Hulman High School Math Competition
Indiana ARML A Team
Attended G2 Math Program 2024
LIVE, by Po-Shen Loh Math Instructor

Allison Shen
Infinity Squared Founder & President
11th Grader from Indiana
AMC 8 Perfect Score
4-Time AIME Qualifier
Carmel High School Math Club President
MIT Math Prize for Girls Qualifier
AMC 10 Achievement Roll & Honor Roll with Distinction
Indiana ARML A Team
Mathematical Award for Young Girls in STEM Award Winner
LIVE, by Po-Shen Loh Math Instructor
Our Team
Scroll down for more information regarding our Chapter Heads and Executive Officers.

Ella Sunday
Infinity Squared Rwanda Chapter Head
12th Grader from Rwanda/Africa
Likes exploring with mathematics
Rwanda Math Competition Final Round top 3 girl; top 15 in nation
Enjoys playing volleyball

Mizero Parfait
Infinity Squared Rwanda Chapter Head
12th grader from Rwanda/Africa
Rwanda Math Competition round top 10 final winner
Passionate about mathematics
Enjoys sports and music

Jacqueline Roth
Infinity Squared Event Manager
9th Grader from Indiana
Manages in-person events
Writes down each step to mathematics problems
Enjoys trying new foods & reading books

Victoria Roth
Infinity Squared Event Manager
9th Grader from Indiana
Manages in-person events
Developed a love for math since middle school
Enjoys painting pottery and horseback riding